Exposing Censorship on Google Play Stores

Discover how GoogleCensorship.org tracks and reports on app availability and censorship practices in Google Play Stores worldwide

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Play Store Monitor (PSM) Highlights
Detected Changes
0 Changes
The PSM will report a detected change ( "removed" or "restored") in a given Play
Store if an app, previously tested as "available" or "unavailable," undergoes a status change
following a series of at least three tests over a period exceeding six hours, with consistent
results throughout this duration. These tests encompass both user-generated tests and
automated tests conducted by the PSM.
Disappeared Apps
0 Apps
"Disappeared Apps" refers to applications that have been removed from all Play Stores. These are apps that were previously available and had been identified by the PSM. This status is determined through a series of X consistent tests conducted by the PSM over a period of Y, confirming the app's complete removal from all stores where it had previously been tested available. (4)
Play Stores List
All Time
For a comprehensive overview of all Play Stores, including the latest count of apps currently unavailable and more detailed data, please click "View More."

Who We Are

GoogleCensorship.org is part of The App Censorship Project, a GreatFire initiative dedicated to tracking and analyzing app censorship on Apple's App Store and Google's Play Store. The website aims to uncover and report on apps that have been restricted or removed. Our goal is to provide comprehensive insights into Google’s content management practices, promoting transparency and accountability. GreatFire, an organization committed to combating online censorship, oversees this project.

What We Do

We closely monitor and document app availability in Google's Play Stores through our Play Store Monitor (PSM). We conduct thousands of automatic tests daily and provide users with the ability to test any app's availability in various regions. Our "Detected Changes" page lists status changes (apps restored to or removed from the Play Store). Additionally, our "Disappeared Apps" page catalogs apps that are no longer available in any Play Store.


Gathering real-time data on app availability and status changes in the Google Play Store.


Analyzing trends to uncover the reasons behind app removals and censorship.


Communicating strategies to respond to censorship and promote digital freedom.


Play Stores Monitored


Apps Available for Monitoring


Tests Conducted Daily

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We have been monitoring app censorship since 2019.