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Test the availability of any app
in any country’s Play Store by using our Play Store Monitor.. See our FAQ page to understand how the Play Store Monitor works.
Use the social links
at the bottom of each page to share the content.
Download and use the resources
available on the “Download Resources” page. Use them on your website to promote your commitment to stopping censorship by Google. You can also print these resources as stickers or posters for your events.
Send us information and help us improve our work.
We welcome any feedback you may have about GoogleCensorship.org and any information that may help us improve our work to bring an end to censorship. Whether you’ve been a victim of censorship as an end-user, or as a developer, we are interested in hearing your story. Similarly, if your government is pressuring Google to censor content, please let us know. Please contact us with your story – we read all messages and will always respond!
Questions or suggestions?
Contact Us
Contribute to the campaign.
In addition to building and maintaining the GoogleCensorship.org website, we coordinate many other initiatives and efforts to encourage Google to cease censorship on its platform. Monitoring Play Stores worldwide involves developing and improving the Play Store Monitor algorithm, designing and hosting the GoogleCensorship.org website, participating in international events, contacting political representatives, reaching out to the media, and designing and implementing a global campaign to force Google to end their censorship practices.

You can help in our efforts to stop Google censorship by donating an amount of your choice to the campaign via Patreon. Every donation counts, and no contribution is too small. You can donate anonymously, but if you include a message with your name and website address and email, you and your site will be listed on our supporters list.
Support us on Patreon
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Write to your local Google Office.
Write to your local Google Office or the US Headquarters to press them on their censorship practices.
Here is a template letter that you can complete, print, sign, and send to Google.
We recommend adding at least one specific example of an app being blocked on a Play Store and encourage you to elaborate on any issue or concern that Google’s censorship is raising for you. We would be thrilled if you can follow up and let us know if you receive any response from Google.
Write to your local elected official.
Write to your local elected representative to alert them that Google’s censorship practices, whether in your own country or others, are in violation of individuals’ fundamental freedom to access information. Encourage your local representative to direct government resources to address this violation urgently.
Subscribe to GreatFire's App Censorship Project Newsletter
We have been monitoring app censorship since 2019.