Sign the Petition

Help Us and Google’s Censorship
In order for Google to stop depriving its users of their fundamental rights and, at the same time, to end the company’s unethical practices which violate human rights and fundamental freedoms, We demand that Google commits to upholding its users fundamental rights and ceasing unethical practices. Specifically, we demand that Google adhere to the United Nations' 31 "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights" in its activities, and bring an end to its violations of Human Rights around the world.

These principles provide companies with a clear framework to respect human rights while conducting business, including in sensitive environments like China.

These Guiding Principles should be implemented in a non-discriminatory manner, “with particular attention to the rights and needs of, as well as the challenges faced by, individuals from groups or populations that may be at heightened risk of becoming vulnerable or marginalized […]”. In other words, these principles should not only be implemented in democratic countries but also in countries governed by authoritarian regimes, countries where Google has decided to do business.

We ask that Google pay particular attention to the situation in China when reviewing and integrating these principles.
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Taking these Principles into account, we ask that Google:
When justifying the removal of an app by the company’s obligation “to adhere to local laws”, clearly state which local laws have been taken into account for every app which has been removed from one of its Play Stores, including in China.
Rewrite the company’s “Play Store Review Guidelines”, to end opaque and arbitrary curation of content and services on the Play Store. These new guidelines should be clear, non-discriminatory and objective, in order to ensure fair and equal access to the Play Store to developers worldwide and in China.
Publish its Human Rights Policy on its main webpage where it can easily be accessed by anyone. Establish an independent body whose function will be to monitor and report on the implementation of Google’s Human Rights Policy, in addition, or in place of, the Google Board of Directors, which currently holds this role.
Produce and publish new internal procedures for reviewing appeals from developers, should their apps be refused for inclusion in the Play Store.
Clearly and transparently publish the company’s policy with regards to removal of apps from China’s Play Store.
Produce and publish new internal procedures for reviewing Apps submitted by developers.
Immediately cease the censorship of apps in its Play Stores globally.

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